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Holeshot Rear Fender Eliminator Tips

Suzuki Bandit 600 (2000+) / Bandit 1200 (2001)

NOTE: These numbered photos are to be used as a guide in conjunction with the written instruction sheet supplied with the kit.
Be sure to review all photos before you start the installation, feel free to call Dale if you have any questions.

Simply remove the blinkers, license plate and bracket from the rear fender. Flip over the license plate bracket as shown and mark a straight line across the bottom with a fine tip felt pen. Continue a clean line around both sides, being sure it finishes just below the inner fender's bottom surface as shown. Make sure both sides are even. Now simply use a dremel tool with a thin cutting disk and carefully trim off the plastic fender. Taking your time is the key to doing a clean job. Hold the license plate bracket properly centered as shown. Mark and drill your mounting holes. Note: The mounting surface isn't perfectly flat, but will conform to the bracket when you tighten it down without a problem. You can even use the stock mounting bolts and nuts, what a deal. I use 180 wet/dry sand paper with a small sanding block to do all my final clean up by hand.


Remove the entire rear tail section to install the Flush Mount Blinkers shown below. Take your time and do some careful measuring to get them as even as possible. Be sure to locate them approximately as shown in the very top and bottom photos, which will allow enough clearance inside the panel. Simply cut off the original blinker wires a few inches back from the snap connector, then solder and shrink tube to the new blinker wires. Voila, clean as factory. Above photo shows final trim job and clean up using 180 grit wet/dry sand paper.


The finished results are very slick and clean looking indeed. Just take your time and have fun.


If you don't want to put holes in your tail section to install the flush mount type or occasionally use soft bags, then our new Rear Cat Eye Blinker and Bracket Kit is another option.

Dale's new Rear Mini Cat Eye blinker and bracket kit allows you to cleanly mount the blinkers tucked in next to the license plate. Our blinker bracket easily mounts between the plate and the stock bracket. The kit includes our one piece stainless blinker bracket and one pair of mini cat eye blinkers.